Otaku USA Magazine

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Search Results for: Otaku Cosplay

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Yuri Lowenthal Will Livestream Sasuke Cosplay If Naruto Charity Album Sells Well

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Yuri Lowenthal Will Livestream Sasuke Cosplay If Naruto Charity Album Sells Well EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Yuri Lowenthal Will Livestream Sasuke Cosplay If Naruto Charity Album Sells Well

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Yuri Lowenthal Will Livestream Sasuke Cosplay If Naruto Charity Album Sells Well

Two years ago, artist Big Lugg (Clay Dietz) reached out to voice actor Yuri Lowenthal about doing a NARUTO-themed hip hop album for charity. Lowenthal, the voice of Sasuke, was immediately intrigued, and Big Lugg asked if other cast members would also be interested. Lowenthal …Read more  »