Otaku USA Magazine
Naoki Urasawa Manga Documentary Series Manben Returns

Naoki Urasawa Manga Documentary Series Manben ReturnsOne of our favorite TV shows—nay, one of our favorite things, period—in the world is Manben. That’s the show where Naoki Urasawa (Monster, 20th Century Boys) visits other manga artists to learn about their styles, philosophies, what kind of pens they use, &c.

Urasawa and team made 18 episodes of the show between 2014 and 2017, talking to manga legends like Akiko Higashimura (Princess Jellyfish) and Takao Saito (Golgo 13).

Now, after three years, Manben is back. The official title of the rebooted show is Manben Neo, but the premise remains basically the same. Small, fixed cameras peek at the workflow of the artist for a day or two, after which he or she and Urasawa look at the footage and discuss.

Manben Neo will feature eight manga-ka, including:

Tetsuya Chiba (Tomorrow’s Joe)
Nao Iwamoto (Spiritual Princess)
Shinichi Sugimura (Samuraider)
Yukinobu Hoshino (2001 Nights)
Daijiro Morohoshi (Yokai Hunter)
Keiko Nishi (Love Song)
Shinichi Sakamoto (Kokou no Hito)
Fuyumi Soryo (Eternal Sabbath)

The first episode of Manben Neo is set to premiere October 1 on NHK eTV.

Source: Comic Natalie

Matt Schley

Matt Schley (rhymes with "guy") lives in Tokyo, and has been OUSA's "man in Japan" since 2012. He's also written about anime and Japanese film for the Japan Times, Screen Daily and more.
