The Luminous Witches anime is a Strike Witches spinoff that was originally set to premiere this year, but those plans have been altered. According to an update on the official website, the TV anime project has been pushed back to 2022, citing “various circumstances” for the reason behind the delay.
Luminous Witches features Shoji Saeki (Assault Lily Bouquet) as director and series composition writer, with Shaft handling animation production. Previously, a one-episode OVA was released ahead of the TV anime. The characters in this one are named after various international stars from the 1940s.
Here’s the delay announcement for the Strike Witches spinoff as it appeared on the official Twitter account:
— ルミナスウィッチーズ【公式】 (@LuminousWitch) August 27, 2021
Via Crunchyroll