Call it a shot heard around Twitter.
On January 13, Twitter user @riekitazawa fired off a tweet that criticized the general public’s view of otaku, using a metaphor that involved some Australian marsupials. The tweet quickly went viral, attracting almost 15,000 retweets and a lot of back-and-forth on Japanese social media.
— 桐沢たえ@次は変身!! 9 (@riekitazawa) January 12, 2016
“Why is the public always like, ‘in reality, otaku just want to fall in love, but since they can’t, they become otaku instead’? Why do these people feel like they have to impose their own values and treat otaku with pity? It’s like saying, ‘those poor koalas who think eucalyptus is delicious, they don’t even know how good fried chicken is.'”
Response to @riekitazawa’s tweet, which as of this writing has almost 15,000 retweets and almost 8,000 likes, included a lot of agreement from otaku tired of people making generalizations and assumptions about them.
One response on Japanese social media included this image:

Third panel: “Why didn’t you run away? Don’t you want to live?”
Do you see people making similar assumptions about American otaku? How do you feel about this tweet? Should koalas give friend chicken a try? Sound off below!
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