Reiji Miyajima’s Kanojo, Okarishimasu manga, AKA Rent-A-Girlfriend, is officially getting an anime adaptation. The comedy centers on a young college student who gets mixed up in romance after finding a service that lets you rent people out to act as family members, friends, and significant others, and the adaptation is currently set for a July 2020 debut.
Here’s the first promo:
Kazuomi Koga is directing the anime, with Mitsutaka Hirota on series composition, Kanna Hirayama on character designs, and Hyadain on music for the TMS Entertainment production.
Cast members announced so far include:
Sora Amamiya as Chizuru Mizuhara:
Aoi Yuki as Mami Nanami:
Nao Toyama as Ruka Sarashina:
Rie Takahashi as Sumi Sakurasawa:
Shun Horie as Kazuya Kinoshita:
Kodansha Comics plans to release the manga in English. Here’s their synopsis:
In Japan, the lonely have a new way out — online services that rent out dads, children, even girlfriends! When Kazuya’s true love dumps him, he’s just desperate enough to try it, and he’s shocked at how cute and sweet his rental girlfriend turns out to be. But she wants to keep their “relationship” a secret, and there’s a complication… she goes to his university… and their grandmothers are in the same home… and they live next door to each other?! And Kazuya finds out she’s not nearly as nice in “real life”…
Source: MoCa via Crunchyroll