Otaku USA Magazine
New Year’s Resolutions to Help Anime Fans Ace 2021

You! Hey you! Time to come up with your New Year's Resolutions!

We’re ready to meet 2021 with open arms. And that means kicking off with some New Year’s resolutions! No, we’re not talking about pushing ourselves into enormous life changes all at once. Right now, we’re focusing up on how to make our anime fan life top-tier in the new year. (The rest is up to you and none of our business, really.)

Whether you’re a brand new fan or an old-timer, feel free to crib off our goals list for the new year. And let us know if you’ve got any resolutions of your own!


Finally take that one recommendation.

Brave that long recommendation... like Gintama!

We’re kicking off our resolutions with something we’ve been bad about pretty much forever… and we’re pretty sure everyone is. You know when someone recommends you an anime they’re sure you’ll like? And you just kind of keep putting it off and putting it off? Especially if it’s a long show like, say, Gintama? Well, it’s time to buckle down and try at least one of them.

That goes double if it’s a self-recommendation — you know, the one you keep seeing on streaming sites and going “Oh, yeah, I keep meaning to watch that.” Now is the time. Pick one, just one (especially if you’ve opted to tackle a long shonen series), and get going. There are good odds you’ll find yourself wondering what took you so long. That’s what generally happens to us, anyway.


Watch one older anime.

Cutie Honey, a classic anime you might enjoy.

If you’re already an old-school fan, skip to the next of our New Year’s resolutions (it’s just for you!). Otherwise, read on.

If you find yourself foregoing older series and preferring newer shows — buck the trend just once in 2021. Try out an older show. It could be something full retro like Cutie Honey, or something slightly closer to home like Gundam Wing. Either way, give something outside your comfort zone a go. Not only is it fun to see how far anime’s come over the last few decades, you also might find a new favorite series!


Watch one brand-new anime.

Try something new, like The Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle!

If you’re an old-school fan who skipped to the third of our resolutions, this one is just for you. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: watch something brand-new.

When you’re into older anime (either from your own childhood or just in general), there can be a temptation to shrug off new series as not measuring up by default. But there are a lot of good shows out there, and new ones are coming out all the time. Seriously, there’s a lot of new stuff out there. The Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is a surprise hit that’s endeared itself to people of all ages. And The Promised Neverland is quickly becoming a modern classic. Even if you’re iffy about newer series, take the plunge and try something fresh!


Unclutter your watch list once a week.

Cut the stress... UNlike in Shirobako?

All our resolutions so far have been about watching more, but there’s such a thing as too much. There are only so many hours in a day, and we have work to do and sleep to get. Plus, sometimes we keep watching a show long after we’ve decided we’re not into it.

Make it a point this year, as you’re going through your latest selections, to weed out anything you’re not fully enjoying. Whether that means saving it for later or just acknowledging that you don’t vibe with this show, clear out some watch time. You can always change your mind and go back. But remember: watching anime is supposed to be fun. It’s okay to not like a show and let it go.


Support anime fans of all experience levels.

Be supportive of fellow fans, like in Anime Gataris!

Subs vs. dubs, classic vs. retro, brand new vs. anime geezer. It doesn’t matter. These resolutions are for fans of all types, because fans of all types are awesome. And what makes us even awesomer is supporting each other in our fandom. And that doesn’t just mean not mocking each other’s language settings or favorite shows. It means doing stuff actively, too.

Whether it’s helping a brand new fan get ahold of a show in their preferred format, or just chatting with someone whose favorite show has a smaller fandom, we can all do little things to share our mutual love of anime. Just once, if you see the opportunity, reach out and be a friend.

What are your fan resolutions for 2021?

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Kara Dennison

Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and presenter with bylines at Crunchyroll, Sci-Fi Magazine, Sartorial Geek, and many others. Beyond the world of anime, she's a writer for Doctor Who expanded universe series including Iris Wildthyme and the City of the Saved, as well as an editor for the critically-acclaimed Black Archive series.
