Otaku USA Magazine
New Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Video Drops

Kyary don’t stop.

Currently in the midst of a world tour, Ms. Pamyu Pamyu, ambassador of Harajuku kawaii and pon pon poning, has dropped a video for her new single, “Yume no Hajima Ring Ring,” and it can best be described as “very Pamyu.”

A kind of graduation song (the school year ends in March over in Japan), the video for “Yume no Hajima Ring Ring” shows Kyary “graduating” from costumes she’s worn in videos over the past few years, from the original viral hit “Pon Pon Pon” to the Halloween-themed “Fashion Monster.” Also a polar bear accompanies her because, well, Pamyu.

The single itself hits on February 26th, and if previous Kyary releases are any indication, it’ll be available in the U.S. iTunes store. Meanwhile, Ms. Pamyu is poning her way over to the east coast in March, so if you’re in Chicago, New York or Toronto, check that out.


Matt Schley

Matt Schley (rhymes with "guy") lives in Tokyo, and has been OUSA's "man in Japan" since 2012. He's also written about anime and Japanese film for the Japan Times, Screen Daily and more.
