A new cast member has been revealed for the second live-action Kingdom film, based on the manga of the same name by Yasuhisa Hara. Kingdom II: Harukanaru Daichi e (To Distant Lands) opens in Japan this summer, and the latest to get in on the historical action is Nana Seino, who will be playing Kyoukai.
The official Twitter account shared a promo to go along with the news.
The live-action Kingdom sequel has director Shinsuke Sato (live-action Gantz) back at the helm, with Kento Yamazaki, Ryo Yoshizawa, and Kanna Hashimoto among the returning cast members.
Next up for the series beyond the sequel is the fourth season of the anime adaptation, which is scheduled to premiere this spring. Funimation has been streaming the series as it airs and describes it like so:
A nameless boy and a young king have grown up in a nation plagued by war. The boy, Xin, has countlessly proven himself on the battlefield, and although initially starting on bad terms, he and the young king, Zheng, have become comrades. Zheng wishes to bring all the warring states under Qin, while Xin climbs the ranks to become a Great General. Both of their ambitions will change history forever.