The Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai TV anime is entering its second year, and U-Treasure is marking the occasion with a pricey Dragon Quest chess set. When we say pricey, we really mean it this time, because this high-quality silver set will be priced at a jaw-dropping ¥3.3 million, which adds up to around US$30,000.
The set features chess pieces modeled after the Hadlar Royal Guard, which protect one of the manga and anime’s main antagonists, Hadlar. Hym is a pawn, Sigma is a knight, Block is a rook, Fenbren is a bishop, and Albinass is the queen. The jewelers have added a black coating to one half of the expensive silver set to create opposing sides.
Pre-orders will open via U-Treasure early this November, and yes, if you have some spare cash to drop, international shipping will be supported. Check out a closer look at the set below.
Anyone have $30k lying around?
Via Siliconera