Gainax, the anime studio behind such projects as Wings of Honneamise, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gurren Lagann, has opened an anime museum in rural Miharu, Fukushima Prefecture.
Fukushima is recovering from 2011’s triple earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.
Gainax president Yoshinori Asao, originally from Fukushima, decided to open the museum to help the prefecture in its recovering efforts.
The museum was built in a former junior high school, which closed due to a lack of students.
In addition to the museum, which opened March 28, Gainax will open an animation studio at the same site in June.
Throughout the weekend, the Fukushima Gainax Twitter account tweeted and retweeted several photos from the opening.
┗)◣д◢(┛スゥゥゥシクゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥン! RT @yonagofilm: わーい完成!“@koyammer: ボクたち、ガイナックスファミリー! ”
— ネギマン (@Negiman_Gaina) March 29, 2015
— 福島ガイナックス (@fukushimagainax) March 29, 2015
— みはる観光協会 (@miharu_kankou) March 28, 2015
Source: Asahi Shinbun
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