Gag Manga Biyori, the classic comedy manga from Kosuke Masuda, is coming back in anime form. The manga is receiving a new anime TV adaptation, its first in 15 years.
The series will be called Gag Manga Biyori GO and will debut in April 2025. It’ll be directed by Akitaro Daichi, who has helmed all the previous anime series, and will be animated at Studio Deen.
Other major staff members such as composer Harukichi Yamamoto and sound director Kazuya Tanaka are also set to return, as are the established cast, including Yuji Ueda, Kaori Nazuka and Takeshi Maeda.
Masuda’s manga first launched in the pages of Monthly Shonen Jump in 2000, and ended its run 2014. It was followed by Gag Manga Biyori GB, which is ongoing. The first anime series hit screens in 2005, though there was a 15-minute short film in 2002.
Source: ANN