Otaku USA Magazine
Can You Imagine One Piece Ending in 5 Years? Eiichiro Oda Can

one piece

When we last checked on the status of the One Piece manga, author Eiichiro Oda said it was around 80 percent finished. Even with that high of a percentage in mind, readers can likely imagine it going on forever. It remains one of the most popular manga of all time, after all, and it’s hard to imagine Shonen Jump without it after 22 long years.

It might end sooner than some expect, though, at least if Oda is able to meet some of his goals. YouTube comedy group Fischer’s recently visited the author at his home to ask him a few questions, including how much longer One Piece will run. Oda responded, saying, “I want to end it after five years.”

That’s right, there’s a small chance we may actually live to see One Piece end! This could all change, of course, and One Piece could just as easily go on sailing the seas of grand adventure for another 22 years.

Here’s the (unsubtitled) video, in which Oda also says he loves sushi, wears 26.5cm size shoes, enjoys taking walks, and denies having an ATM in his house. 

Via Kotaku
