The latest anime for the Digimon series is Digimon Ghost Game, which is now officially set to premiere in Japan on October 3. Along with the news we have a bunch of cast announcements and a new key visual to prepare us for the haunting good time.
The latest additions to the cast are:
Mutsumi Tamura as Hiro Amanokawa:
Miyuki Sawashiro as Gammamon:
Yu Kobayashi as Ruri Tsukiyono:
Kazuya Nakai as Angoramon:
Akira Ishida as Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai:
Yu Shumamura as Jellymon:
Here’s the new visual:
Digimon Ghost Game has Kimitoshi Chioka (Dragon Ball Super) and Masato Mitsuka (Digimon Adventure:) on board as series directors, with Masashi Sogo (Fairy Tail) on scripts and Tenya Yabuno credited with the original character designs. Toei Animation is handling animation production.