Winter is slowly coming to a close, and that means out with the old and in with the new. New anime, that is. So what if the weather’s warming up? The Japanese fans who filled in this list for pollsters Charapedia will be happily sitting inside, watching… what? Here are Japan’s 20 most-anticipated spring anime.
20. Shōnen Maid
19. Mayoiga
18. Ace Attorney
17. Kiznaiver
16. Ushio to Tora
15. Bakuon!!
14. Rin-ne (season 2)
13. Joker Game
12. Hokuouki ~Otogi Soushi~
11. Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096
10. Re: Life in a different world from zero
9. And you thought there is Never a girl online?
8. Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (Adventure of Sinbad)
7. The Asterisk War
6. Macross Delta
5. Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
4. My Hero Academia
3. Bungō Stray Dogs
2. Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto
1. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
Some observations:
Surprisingly, there aren’t a ton of sequels or continuations high on the list (the number one pick, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, being the obvious exception). Instead, Japanese fans seem to be most pumped about adaptations of current popular manga, like Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Bungō Stray Dogs, and My Hero Academia.
Interestingly, frenemies Macross and Gundam will both have a series airing this season. As it stands, Macross Delta ranks higher on the list (makes sense, considering RE:0096 is a recut of an already-released OVA).
Workaholic writer Mari Okada has two series on the list: Studio Trigger’s Kiznaiver and Mayoiga, directed by Shirobako’s Tsutomu Mizushima.
What say you, OUSAers? What does the American version of this list look like?
Source: Charapedia