Otaku USA Magazine
Yakuza Producer Wants to Take a Crack at Sonic the Hedgehog

yakuza producer

Imagine, if you will, Sonic the Hedgehog by way of the Yakuza series. It may be tough to picture, but if the planets align just right it could happen, because Yakuza series producer Daisuke Sato would love to take a crack at it.

Sato recently took part in a video for the 60th anniversary of Sega, in which the producer was interviewed about his impressive career at the company. At around the 5:43 mark below, he goes into what he’d like to do with Sonic.

Regarding the Blue Blur, Sato said:

“It’s an IP that I haven’t come to before. In the sense that I want to try it … well, Sonic. After all, when you hear SEGA you think Sonic. I’d like to get involved once at least. But for me, the so-called Sonic is, well, if I were to do it, I wouldn’t do Sonic as it was. I would like to make a completely different Sonic.”

What do you think a “completely different Sonic” would look like? Let’s hope Sato gets the opportunity to show us at some point!

Via Crunchyroll
