The latest feature based on the Butt Detective series—Eiga Oshiri Tantei Shiriarty, or Butt Detective the Movie: Shiriarty—pits our butt-faced hero against the villainous nemesis known as Shiriarty, who plans to steal a mysterious treasure known as the O-PARTS. Naturally, Butt Detective and his assistant Brown, along with Audrey, an investigator from international police organization Wanterpol, can’t let this happen, and you can watch as they attempt to divert disaster in the latest movie trailer below.
Yuriko Kado is directing Butt Detective the Movie: Shiriarty at Toei Animation, and the movie is set to premiere this Friday, March 18 in a double feature with the Butt Detective the Movie: The Jumbo Sweet Potato Festival of Dreams short, directed by Satoru Iriyoshi and animated at Toei Animation Gallop.
We’ll have to wait and see if Butt Detective can claim the top spot at the Japanese box office from the current reigning champ, Doraemon!
Via Crunchyroll