Otaku USA Magazine
So… Tentacle Grape Soda!

The press release I received this morning opened up innocently enough with the following exclamatory claim: “Mnemosyne LLC has teamed up with the people who brought you the Anime After Dark Film Festival to bring you a new taste sensation!”

So what is this tasty concoction, you ask?

It’s Tentacle Grape soda! Finally, a soft drink for Hentai fans (you know who you are) that gets straight to the point. As the site claims, Tentacle Grape is “the most delicious Hentai soda on the market,” and you certainly can’t argue with that. I think I might have to order a six-pack for research purposes. Who knows, maybe you’ll even see an enthusiastic review in the future. Brand creator Dekker Dreyer had this to say about his product:

“Obviously I don’t take the brand very seriously – we can’t. The best I can do is develop products that I’d want to buy myself and frankly this is the right combination of ridiculous and delicious.”


Source: Official Website
