Otaku USA Magazine
PreCure Anime Passes Baton to Next Series in New Video


The time has come once again for a new chapter of the PreCure saga to begin. As is tradition, with Tropical-Rouge! PreCure having aired its final episode over the weekend, the official “baton pass” video made its debut to pave the way for the next season and the new lead Cure.

This time around the introduction is for Cure Precious of Delicious PartyPrecure, which will be the 19th series in the long-running franchise when it premieres in Japan on February 6. Cure Precious is voiced by Hana Hishikawa, and it will be the VA’s first major role. Meet her along with onigiri/fox fairy Kome-Kome—voiced by Natsumi Takamori—in the video below.

Via Crunchyroll
