News from the Japan Toy Prize contest (who knew such a thing existed?): the toys of the year include a Pokemon bracelet and a Sailor Moon… stick.
One of the winners of the prize was the Pokemon Mega Ring (kind of a misnomer, as it’s more of a wrist strap), is a high-tech gadget kids can use to interact with a Pokemon arcade game, moving the characters on-screen. More than 160,000 of these puppies had shipped as of May. Imagine the woe of all the parents who thought with this one investment their kids would be happy and then realized you have to pump coins into an arcade machine to get the full experience.
The Pokemon Mega Ring goes for 1,000 yen (10 bucks), though there sets that include Pokemon toys that go for a bit more.
On the other end of the spectrum is a toy that’s less techy but actually far more expensive: the Proplica Moon Stick, a 1:1 size replica of the magic stick used by none other than Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon herself.
Made by Bandai, it’s targeted at women in their 20s who grew up with the original manga and anime series. We imagine its release so close to the debut of the new Sailor Moon series is no coincidence either.
The Moon Stick retails for 9,500 yen ($95).

Source: Japan Times