One of the most promising shows of the Spring 2020 anime season was Appare-Ranman!, an original racing anime from the folks at P.A. Works. Unfortunately, the series just made it through three episodes before the COVID-19 pandemic forced new installments to be postponed. Now, almost two months since that announcement, we finally have a return date.
The new schedule—which has the series returning to broadcast in Japan on July 3—was shared via the official Twitter account. Those waiting specifically for new episodes past the three that aired should note that the Japanese broadcast will start over again from episode 1 on that date.
第1話を7月3日(金)より順次放送を開始していきますので引続き応援よろしくお願い致します。 #appare #天晴爛漫— オリジナルTVアニメ「天晴爛漫!」公式アカウント (@appareranman) June 9, 2020
Source: @appareranman via Crunchyroll