Later this year, Gundam fans will have another massive, life-size mecha to marvel at in public. The 18-meter tall full-scale moving Gundam statue will officially be revealed at Yokohama city’s Yamashita Pier on October 1, and will be on display for one year until October 3, 2021.
Prior to that, a pre-opening media presentation—during which the statue won’t be in operation—will be held in July and August.
The project originally launched in 2014, with completion scheduled for this summer. The statue weights a mighty 25 tons and is composed of steel movable frames and exterior carbon resin. The display will include the moving statue, as well as a full-scale GUNDAM-DOCK hangar and a GUNDAM-LAB that visitors can check out to learn more about how it works. There’s also a special viewing deck and a GUNDAM Café YOKOHAMA Satellite.
Tickets go on sale this July, and you can see the live streamed presentation below.
Via Crunchyroll