Death! Morbid as it may be, it’s a frequent enough conversation between friends and family: what’s the last thing you want to eat? The last person you want to see? The last anime you want to watch?
Okay, I’ve never thought about that last one. Or not until now, anyway, when the question was put forth by otaku pollsters Charapedia, who asked their readers this week, “what’s the anime you want to be watching in your final moments?”
Without further ado, the top 20:
20. Fate/ series
19. Attack on Titan
18. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
17. Natsume’s Book of Friends
16. Doraemon
15. Uta no Prince-sama
14. A Certain series
13. One Piece
12. Dragon Ball
11. Detective Conan
10. Madoka Magica
9. Code Geass
8. K-On!
7. Love Live!
6. Sword Art Online
5. Anohana
4. Kuroko’s Basketball
3. Angel Beats!
2. Gintama
1. Clannad

Some reader comments:
“Clannad is life!”
“You might as well laugh and cry at the end.”
“If I watched Gintama on my final day, I could laugh with all my heart.”
Angel Beats!
“That last scene would fit one’s last moments perfectly.”
Kuroko’s Basketball
“I love Kuroko’s Basketball so much it’s not an exaggeration to say it’s my whole life.”
“I want to burn that amazing ‘go for it until the end’ spirit into my eyes.”
“I’d like to go while thinking about the importance of friends and family.”
Sword Art Online
“Before I die, I want to see the Alicization Arc.”
Love Live!
“I’d like to go listening to μ’s songs.”
“In my last moment, I want to feel like I’ve been touched by the songs of angels.”
Code Geass
“I want to cry with all my heart.”
Madoka Magica
“I wanted to live life like Homura did.”
Quite a list, and the responses made it even more interesting. How about you, gang? I’d like to go out with Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi-yo!! Masaru-san: short and random, just like life.

Source: Charapedia

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