It’s a bit of a Dragon Ball Z movie news day, with some information on next year’s film and clips from last year’s. Don’t get ‘em mixed up, okay?
Firstly, the director for next year’s DBZ film, which does not yet have a title, has been announced. He’s none other than Tadayoshi Yamamuro, who has been involved with the franchise all the way back to the original Dragon Ball TV series, on which he contributed key animation. Since then he’s been an animation director on many of the films, including the recent Battle of Gods.
We’ve got more info on the upcoming DBZ film, set to debut during Japan’s Golden Week holiday (late April/early May) of 2015, right here.
Speaking of Battle of Gods, Funimation is gearing up to give it an American release, and they’ve uploaded a couple previews of the dub. Check out Gohan going Super Saiyan on new enemy Beerus and Vegeta, uh, introducing a game of bingo.
We reviewed Battle of Gods last year and didn’t exactly love it, but if you’re a DBZ fan in the mood for some humor, you could do worse.
Source: Crunchyroll