Otaku USA Magazine
Who Are the Cute Anime Boys of the Fall 2020 Season?

It's our cute anime boy check for the fall season!

We’re halfway through the fall anime season, and knee deep in lovable characters. Odds are you’ve picked your best girl, best villain, best hero… but what about your best boy? The cute anime boy field is pretty packed this season, with shows like HYPNOSISMIC and Ikebukuro West Gate Park cornering the market… but here are a few from other shows that we think deserve a look. They’re each cute in their own way — be it wholesome, wicked, or. Whatever William is.


Demon King: The Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle

Demon King, "The Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle"

We don’t see much of the demon king as compared to others in The Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, but this wickedly cute anime boy still makes our list. We spend most of the series focused on Syalis, a kidnapped princess who just wants a comfy snooze. She’ll do anything for some quality nap time, including tear through the demon king’s guards and treasure room for the things she needs.

The Demon King will eventually give her a stern talking to… but she’s just so adorable when she’s sleeping. Maybe tomorrow he’ll try again…


Nasa Yuzaki: TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You

Nasa Yuzaki, "TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You"

Nasa Yuzaki, the overachiever with the embarrassing name, definitely makes it onto our cute anime boy list. The star of TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You is absolutely smitten with his love-at-first-sight and rescuer Tsukasa, enough to agree to marry her. And, to be fair, he follows through when she arrives with the paperwork. From there, he’s all about hand-holding, appreciating his new bride, and learning how to show her just how much he loves her.

Sure, Nasa isn’t traditionally cute. He’s a little goofy, all things considered. But his earnest heart and dedication drive home his sweetness, making him a shoe-in for the list in our book.


All the Moriarty Brothers: Moriarty the Patriot

The Moriarty Brothers: Moriarty the Patriot

Last but not least, the legendary James Moriarty belongs on our cute anime boy list for the season — all three of them!

William, Alfred, and Louis James Moriarty of Moriarty the Patriot have gotten an anime makeover, and won’t be what most Sherlock Holmes fans expect. The first episode even points out just how wildly the criminal professor differs from his most famous artistic representation. But in anime form, these three (and Sebastian Moran, Fred Porlock, and Holmes himself) are crush-worthy boys with Victorian flair. William in particular is both handsome and charismatic… which, to be fair, you’d have to be to pull off his perfect crimes.

What cute anime boys of the season do you think belong on the list? Any favorites you’re enjoying watching?

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Kara Dennison

Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and presenter with bylines at Crunchyroll, Sci-Fi Magazine, Sartorial Geek, and many others. Beyond the world of anime, she's a writer for Doctor Who expanded universe series including Iris Wildthyme and the City of the Saved, as well as an editor for the critically-acclaimed Black Archive series.
