The Castlevania saga continues in animated form, this time with a new entry titled Castlevania: Nocturne. This one follows Richter Belmont and covers stories inspired by Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood, led by showrunner Kevin Kolde and Creator/Writer Clive Bradley.
Check out the announcement trailer from Netflix’s Geeked Week festivities:
Here’s how Netflix describes it:
Castlevania: Nocturne, a new Netflix animated series, is officially in production. The series is led by showrunner Kevin Kolde and Creator/Writer Clive Bradley and produced by Project 51 Productions with production services provided by Powerhouse Animation. Castlevania: Nocturne follows Richter, a descendant of the Belmont family, popularized in the iconic Symphony of Night and Blood of Rondo Castlevania games.
Source: Netflix