It’s been a little while since Nintendo had much worth tooting about, mostly thanks to a lack of notable Virtual Console releases. That’s changing somewhat this week despite it being an otherwise busy one for the Big N. The two primary featured titles are Go! Go! Kokopolo in the 3DS eShop/DSiWare store and ye olde Game Boy game, Avenging Spirit, available in the 3DS eShop, both detailed below:
In addition to those titles, there’s also My Asian Farm (eShop/DSiWare), Kyotokei (WiiWare), Crazy Hamster (eShop/DSiWare), and my personal pick of the week: Super Adventure Island II on Virtual Console! Go, help Master Higgins save the day once more!
Also, don’t forget, if you were an early 3DS adopter today is the last day for you to join the Ambassador program that will net you 20 free downloadable games per the price drop benefits detailed here!