Otaku USA Magazine
The Return of… PUNCH-OUT!

In an attempt to make up for what was universally perceived as a lame showing at this year’s E3, Nintendo brought out some big dogs during their press conference in Tokyo just the other day. While it’s true that a couple of the big surprises in the lineup were Sin & Punishment 2 and a new entry in the Mario and Luigi series, the real haymaker for many was PUNCH-OUT.

Punch-Out has always been a celebrated addition to The Big N’s roster, a classic that really ruled the ring when it bore the moniker of ear-biting legacy killer Mike Tyson. Super Punch-Out took it a notch higher, showing that the series’ bread and butter rested within the hilarious, if beautifully stereotyped, characters and the patterns every player was destined to commit to memory.

Now it’s making a big return in 2009 on Wii, and it looks to be retaining everything that made the series such a timeless pick-up-and-play hit. Of course, this is just based on the videos provided, but even the brief snippets of footage are a step in the right direction as far as keeping a tight grip on the hardcore heart is concerned. Before the source link, you can check out a short video of the game in action.

Source [Game | Life]
