Otaku USA Magazine
Square Enix Denies That Buyers Are Looking to Acquire the Company

square enix

Today saw the publication of a Bloomberg report stating that multiple buyers are interested in purchasing Square Enix. Whether that includes just the video game division—known for everything from Final Fantasy to Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, and many more massive titles—or other aspects was not clarified, but Square Enix was quick to release its own statement denying the report’s claims.

Here’s what Square Enix had to say in its response to the reports:

“Bloomberg has reported today that there is interest from several buyers to acquire Square Enix. However, this report is not based on any announcement by SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS CO., LTD.

We do not consider selling off the company or any part of its businesses, nor have we received any offer from any third party to acquire the company or any part of its businesses.”

We’ll have to wait and see if anything comes of the initial Bloomberg report.

Source: Bloomberg Japan
