Otaku USA Magazine
Something Smart, Something Sad at New York-Tokyo Film Fest

The “smart” in this equation refers to Studio 4ºC’s anime anthology, Genius Party, which includes work from a slew of directors, including Atsuko Fukushima, Shoji Kawamori, Shinji Kimura, Yoji Fukuyama, Hideki Futamura, Masaaki Yuasa, Shinichiro Watanabe, Mahiro Maeda, Koji Morimoto, Kazuto Nakazawa, Shinya Ohira, and Tatsuyuki Tanaka. Phew, if I was getting paid by the word here, I’d exclusively post about Genius Party. Whether or not the New York-Tokyo organization’s festival will be showing every short, spread across two anthologies, remains to be seen.

Also on their roster is the North American premiere of Taro Hyugaji’s live-action adaptation of Grave of the Fireflies which, as anyone with currently-welling tear ducts knows, was previously adapted by Isao Takahata in heartbreaking animated form. It should be interesting, considering that this is Hyugaji’s first feature film, and I’ll consider it a success if it even summons a fraction of the anime’s emotions.

Other films listed in the first part of the festival lineup include 77BOADRUM, ASYL – PARK AND LOVE HOTEL, BLOODY SNAKE UNDER THE SUN, THE CHASING WORLD, CORAZON DE MELON, DEATH OF DOMOMATA, KAMACHOP, and TEA FIGHT. The event begins on September 28 at NYU’s Cantor Film Center.

Source [New York-Tokyo]
