Otaku USA Magazine
Rice Field Art Honors Work of Late Kyoto Animation Animator

kyoto animation

Animator Yuki Omura was one of many Kyoto Animation workers who sadly passed away after the July 2019 arson attack on Kyoto Animation Studio 1. While many staff members are no longer with us, they’re far from forgotten, and Omura is currently being honored in the form of artwork recreated in a rice field.

The art comes from locals of Shizuoka Prefecture’s Kikugawa city, who recreated a piece out of a picture book from Omura’s university years. The piece is titled U-chan no Matsuzaki, and it shows the protagonist of a story returning to his parents after an adventure.

Here’s the original:

And you can see more of the rice field recreation at the 0:47 mark in the video below.

Ten types of rice plants—some of which were planted by Omura’s parents—were used to recreate the art. According to Asahi Shimbun, Omura used to visit the Tanbo Art Kikugawa rice field with his family. Visitors will be able to see the art for themselves until August 16.

Via Anime News Network
