HEY! This is Patrick Macias, Editor of Otaku USA magazine. First up … the August issue marks the end of our eighth year of publication. That’s right: OTAKU USA IS ALMOST nine YEARS OLD NOW and while I will certainly gab and crow about it more at length later on (or could it be that maybe we have something special planned for next issue?????), I figured it made sense (nonsense?) to get it out of the way first before diving into all the good stuff to be found inside the pages of this latest issue…

Magic, technology, and games seem to be the big themes that our features wrestle with this time, starting with Brittany Vincent taking a bite out of the recent hit anime known as Tokyo Ghoul. Next, Paul Thomas Chapman digs into the closet to retrieve a box of dusty old consoles and cartridges to help make his take on Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls all the more actual and factual. Then, Kristina Potts turns her back on everyday reality to lock herself in an endless battle for power in Magical Warfare and then heads west on a quest to complete a feature on Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky. Following that, Brittany Vincent makes way for a wild pastel-colored world in No Game No Life. Finally, Daryl Surat straps himself into the cockpit of a massive robot to declare that Patlabor: The Movie might actually be “the greatest anime of all time”! Whew!
In between these heroic highlights, you’ll find plenty to chew on in our usual departments loaded (as ever) to the brim with manga, TV games, live-action films, cosplay, and lots more!
So what else is going on? Well, like I said, we will be a little older than we used to be starting next issue. Wiser? I can’t say for sure. Having written a few of these birthday event-horizon editorials in the past, a few constants seem to be the same year to year:
1. We’re shocked and happy beyond belief that we’ve made it this far. When you make something, and put it out there for the first time, there’s no guarantees on what might happen next. But we somehow managed to find our way in spite of some massive changes going on around us.

2. A lot of people doubted our very existence in the beginning, “because LOL who needs magazines when you can internutz everything?” (Their words, not mine.) But we’ve proven that the fandom is strong enough to support at least one print magazine in this space.
3. Our contributors are really, really awesome. Everyone who has written for Otaku USA or has appeared in our pages over the years is a magical sparkly superstar. Seriously.
4. We could not have done anything, let alone last for eight years, without YOU the readers supporting us, reading us, sending us your letters, and just generally being there. So thanks a million, billion, trillion.
5. We’re going to stay the course and keep on writing, editing, and publishing. So please stick around with us, for the proverbial “best is yet to come.”
I think that’s it for now! I hope you enjoy the latest issue of Otaku USA!
– Patrick

Celebrate our eight year anniversary by picking up our August 2015 issue, available on newsstands till July 28th, or via our online store. It’s got features on Tokyo Ghoul, No Game no Life, Magical Warfare, and comes loaded to the brim with coverage of manga, TV games, cosplay. Click here to buy it online!