Otaku USA Magazine
Original Mech Anime Bang Brave Bang Bravern Revealed

Original Mech Anime Bang Brave Bang Bravern RevealedGood news for fans of old-school real robot action anime: there’s a new original series called Bang Brave Bang Bravern on the way, and it’s directed by none other than legend Masami Obari. 

Bang Brave Bang Bravern is produced by Cygames, with animation by CygamesPictures. So far, we’ve got a teaser promo video and some key art, but our appetites are whetted.

Oh, there’s also a tweet from the director: Obari tweeted about the announcement, saying, “please look forward to more information about this mysterious anime!”

Will do, Obari-sensei. Will do!

Source: ANN

Matt Schley

Matt Schley (rhymes with "guy") lives in Tokyo, and has been OUSA's "man in Japan" since 2012. He's also written about anime and Japanese film for the Japan Times, Screen Daily and more.
