The next feature-length anime film from acclaimed director Naoko Yamada (K-ON!, A Silent Voice) was previously announced for Fall 2023, but it got hit with a delay this week. Kimi no Iro (Your Colors) is now set to premiere sometime in 2024, as reflected in the new “Super Teaser” trailer below.
Kimi no Iro follows Christian Academy high schooler Totsuko, who sees people’s hearts as colors. Thus, Totsuko carefully reads the room so as not to darken the colors of her family and friends. Totsuko eventually meets a music-loving boy and a beautiful girl who radiates striking colors in a used bookstore, and the trio team up to form a band and make music reflecting their youth.
In addition to Naoko Yamada directing and coming up with the original concept, Kimi no Iro features a script by Reiko Yoshida (K-ON!, A Silent Voice) and music by Kensuke Ushio (Chainsaw Man) at production house Science SARU.
Via Crunchyroll News