Otaku USA Magazine
This Mother’s Day, Celebrate Anime Moms Who Have It Tough

This Mother's Day, let's here it for anime moms who have it a little tougher than others!

Being an anime mom is tough. If you manage to make it into the series itself alive, you might not make it to the end. And if you’re one of the lucky ones who lives, there are your kids to think about. Will they be magical girls? Mecha pilots? Reincarnated from another dimension? Mother’s Day is a well-earned remembrance in the anime world.

This season, there are several moms who have it tougher than most. Join us in showing them some love this weekend!


Sarah von Silford

Sarah von Silford

Let’s start this Mother’s Day off cheerfully: with a mom who’s still alive! Sarah von Silford is the mother of Cain and his sister in The Aristocrat’s Otherworldly Adventure. Being the second wife comes with its own special challenges. But everything changes forever when her sweet baby boy wakes up from a feverish spell speaking like a grown-up and learning master-level magic.

Yep, Cain is a reincarnated isekai hero. And he’s got the blessings of all seven of this world’s gods, meaning he’s genuinely overpowered. Raising a gifted kid can be a roller coaster—raising a Chosen One even more so. But Sarah is proud of her weirdly brilliant son, supporting him every step of the way.


Sachiko Kasukabe

Sachiko Kasukabe

Mother’s Day is for grandmothers, too! And while Sachiko Kasukabe may only appear in flashback, she’s a constant presence in The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses. In addition to being an adoptive mother to protagonist Hayato, she’s a mother figure to Familia’s five waitresses. As the name of the café suggests, she’s a big believer in family: blood and found.

As Hayato and the girls adjust to each other’s presence, they take Sachiko’s many lessons to heart. Always eat dinner together, for example. Always treat the customers like family. And the girls always remember the kind things she had to say about her grandson. Thanks to the late Sachiko watching over them, the next-generation staff of Familia bonds quickly.


Ai Hoshino

Ai Hoshino

Pour one out this Mother’s Day for the season’s most tragic mom. Oshi no Ko is a heartrending story of love, betrayal, and industry corruption that’s won over the anime fandom at large. And for much of it, Ai is absent. But her influence over Aqua and Ruby, two fans reincarnated into her twin son and daughter, is constant.

The first film-length episode delves into her own struggles as a mom. After spending most of her time onstage putting on a happy face for her fans, she isn’t quite sure what “love” is. Finding true love in her heart for her children is a huge deal. And now, we’ll watch their lives play out after her as they show their devotion to her memory in their own very different ways.

Still in an Oshi no Ko mood? Dive into these intense idol-centric anime!

Kara Dennison

Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and presenter with bylines at Crunchyroll, Sci-Fi Magazine, Sartorial Geek, and many others. Beyond the world of anime, she's a writer for Doctor Who expanded universe series including Iris Wildthyme and the City of the Saved, as well as an editor for the critically-acclaimed Black Archive series.
