If there’s a prize for the hardest working person in anime, director Masaaki Yuasa is definitely in the running. The guy behind off-the-wall series like The Tatami Galaxy, Ping-Pong and one of anime’s first crowdsourced success stories, Kick-Heart, has not one but two full-length feature films coming out this year.
There’s a new teaser out for one of those two films, Lu Over the Wall, so go Over the Jump and check it out.
The new Lu Over the Wall teaser is notable, points out the Crunch, for featuring a song called “Utautai no Ballad” by singer-songwriter Kazuyoshi Saito, which was originally released back in 1997. Saito’s music doesn’t often appear in anime, though he performed a song for the 17th Detective Conan film.
The film itself is about the friendship between a junior high-schooler and a mermaid named Lu, and looks like a cross between Yuasa’s Mind Game and Ponyo.
Lu Over the Wall debuts May 19, while Yuasa’s other film, Yoru wa Mijikaishi Arukeyo Otome, comes out April 7.

Source: Crunchyroll