We don’t do enough cute human interest stories around here, so here’s one from – where else – Japan. Everything Japan site Rocket News 24 has picked up this story of a Japanese mother who puts in some serious dedication on her anime-loving sons’ bento lunch boxes.
Mom, who goes by Akiran on Twitter, makes custom bento complete with the faces of anime and manga characters pressed directly onto the rice. And yes, they’re completely edible.

The secret is apparently thin sheets of starch called oblaat which are tasteless, colorless and edible. If you’ve ever been confused by the covering under the covering on imported Japanese candy, that’s oblaat. It’s usually used to preserve humidity.
Akiran paints onto the oblaat with food coloring and then presses it onto the rice, making for eatable characters from Yowamushi Pedal, Fate Stay Night, Attack on Titan and more.
Coolest mom ever? Coolest mom ever.

Source: Rocket News 24