Otaku USA Magazine
In a Pinch? Let These Green Magical Girls Save St. Patrick’s Day!

These magical girls are always ready for St. Patrick's Day!

Forget to wear your green today? No problem! These magical girls are always ready for St. Patrick’s Day… and for a fight. Green is one of the least-repped colors on a magical girl team, but the ladies who sport it also show a wide variety of strengths. So let’s pause and take a peek at a few of these valiant, viridescent heroines!


Cure March

Cure March

Starting with the one who’s the most ready for St. Patrick’s Day, from her color to her name! Cure March is the muscle of Smile Precure!the fairytale-themed season that became Glitter Force on Netflix. Known as Nao Midorikawa by day, she’s big on protecting the people she cares about—from her huge family to her new-found magical girl allies.

As Cure March, Nao can harness the wind to give her speed and power. But even as the physically toughest member of her team, she’s a kind soul. And she has her own fears to deal with… including creepy-crawlies!


Mew Lettuce

Mew Lettuce

Continuing the St. Patrick’s Day aesthetic is Retasu, a.k.a. Cure Lettuce from Tokyo Mew Mew. With so few green magical girls out there, there isn’t really a well laid-out trope for them. As such, Lettuce actually embodies a lot of tropes considered to go with blue magical girls. She’s smart, shy and polite… perhaps because of the legacy of Sailor Mercury, those are all things we tend to associate with shades of blue.

Lettuce also harnesses the powers of water, thanks to her porpoise DNA. But she won’t wade into a fight unless she feels she needs to. She prefers to avoid conflict if possible. But that won’t stop her from defending the people she cares about if she has no other choice!


Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter

We weren’t going to get through St. Patrick’s Day without mentioning the most famous of the green magical girls! Makoto Kino, a.k.a. Sailor Jupiter, is memorable for good reason. She’s strong, caring, and packs a punch. Plus, she defies so many of the preconceived notions people in the series have about her. As tall and tough as she is, she still has a big heart and just wants to be loved.

If there is a set of tropes for the rare green magical girl, we’d turn to this Sailor Guardian to explore them. The commonality appears to be a softer side that tempers the use of their strength… whatever that strength may be. Whether it’s speed, raw power, or water magic, these girls temper their attacks. And they look great in green!


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Kara Dennison

Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and presenter with bylines at Crunchyroll, Sci-Fi Magazine, Sartorial Geek, and many others. Beyond the world of anime, she's a writer for Doctor Who expanded universe series including Iris Wildthyme and the City of the Saved, as well as an editor for the critically-acclaimed Black Archive series.
