Fate/Grand Order, the popular smartphone spinoff of the Fate/ franchise, is getting a bit more kawaii with some merchandise from Sanrio.
The brand, best known for Hello Kitty, is releasing Fate/Grand Order merchandise like buttons, acrylic holders, shirts and more this January at Animate stores.
The over 100 items will go on sale January 19.
Today a few images of Fate/Grand Order characters in chibi form plus a partial item list, were revealed.
Items on offer will include:
- Acrylic holders
- Buttons
- Coffee cups
- Folding mirrors
- Ballpoint pens
- Lunch tote bags
- Mini hand towels
- File folders
- iPhone cases
- T-shirts
The official Fate/Grand Order Facebook page describes the game:
If you find yourself in Japan this January and you’re a fan of Fate/Grand Order, get yourself to an Animate!
Source: Anime Anime