At this weekend’s Niconico Chokaigi convention in Chiba, Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki dropped a couple of Hayao Miyazaki knowledge bombs: one good, the other not so much.
First, the good news: Miyazaki’s CG short, “Boro the Caterpillar,” which was announced back in 2015, will be premiering at the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, Tokyo this July.
The short, which Miyazaki created the short with CG animator Yuhei Sakuragi (The Case of Hana and Alice, “Neon Genesis Impacts”), will most likely be exclusive to the museum, meaning a trip to Tokyo will be the only way to see it.
The not-so-good news dropped by Suzuki: work on Miyazaki’s new full-length feature film is progressing slowly, meaning it won’t make the originally-anticipated 2019 release date.
In fact, Suzuki denied the 2019 date came from Ghibli at all, saying it was “something somebody just made up.”
Suzuki didn’t comment on when the film will be released or the title, but did reveal that Miyazaki has drawn about 20 minutes’ worth of storyboards.
While those of us in Tokyo will get some Boro goodness this July, it may be some time until the world at large gets to see anything new from Miyazaki. Until then, we’ll just have to satisfy ourselves with this video of Suzuki painting a giant cootie shot.
ジブリ鈴木敏夫プロデューサーの書道パフォーマンス。 #超会議2017 #ニコニコ超会議2017 pic.twitter.com/TmCLsMeNZP
— 吉川慧/Kei Yoshikawa (@dong_po_rou) April 29, 2017
Source: ANN, Huffington Post