Otaku USA Magazine
Feature Watch: Bakumatsu Rock!

Anime has no shortage of bizarre, time-twisting spins on history, but Samurai Jam: Bakumatsu Rock is definitely the heaviest. In the latest issue of Otaku USA magazine we had Kristina Potts comb her way through this amp-thumpin’ take on the Bakumatsu era, which was already tumultuous enough without speakers blasting heavenly hits across the nation.

So what’s the truly infectious part about Bakumatsu Rock? The music, of course! Kristina touches on that in the following excerpt from her feature:

If anything is likely to get stuck, it’s the catchy tunes of Bakumatsu Rock in your head. As our rock trio wages war against the pop powers that be, the viewer reaps the rewards. There are generally multiple performances per episode, and while the total quantity of songs isn’t broad enough to allow for something new every time around, the quality of what’s there makes return visits welcome. Concert scenes are also when the show’s artists aim the highest, minus the clunky CG that intermittently rears its ugly head.

Read more on Bakumatsu Rock in the pages of the latest Otaku USA Magazine. For more great anime features, pick up the February 2015 issue of Otaku USA at your local bookstore,
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