Otaku USA Magazine
E3 Nintendo Wii U/3DS Game Trailers Attack!

It’s up to you whether or not Nintendo’s E3 press conference earlier today knocked your socks off, but there have been a bunch of trailers released during and since that showcase some of what we can expect from the new console, Wii U. There are also a handful of Nintendo 3DS games to look forward to, so check out an assortment of clips that made their E3 premiere below.

It’s kind of hard to hate on Nintendo when they open up with the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto introducing Pikmin 3 for Wii U. Some of their other announcements—the eye-rolling Sing karaoke game, for instance—were significantly less charming, but this is a good way to kick things off.

Pikmin 3

New Super Mario Bros. U

Nintendo Land is a multi-attraction game that mixes multiple properties together to show off what Wii U is capable of to new users. Think of it as similar to the way Wii Sports was the first game to really show different applications of the Wii remote. Here’s a look at one of the games, Luigi’s Ghost Mansion.

Nintendo 3DS:


New Super Mario Bros. 2

Paper Mario: Sticker Star

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate

These are just some of what’s being shown at E3 this week. What are you most looking forward to from Nintendo so far?

