Something is rotten in the state of D. Gray-man Hallow.
Aniplex has announced it has canceled the DVD and Blu-ray release of the series, which ran from July to September of last year.
Why? The statement on the official D. Gray-man Hallow Twitter account only lists “various circumstances.”
On 2channel, though, speculation runs rampant, from reports about D. Gray-man creator Katsura Hoshino being unhappy with the series, to copyright problems, to weak sales.
Funimation streamed the series in the States, and of this writing, it is still available on their site.
Most of the reaction on the ever-cynical 2channel is some form of “they never should’ve dug up that old series to begin with.” How did you feel about D. Gray-man Hallow?
TVアニメ「D.Gray-man HALLOW」Blu-ray・DVDシリーズにおきまして、諸般の事情により発売を中止させていただく事となりました。
楽しみにお待ちいただいていたお客様には大変申し訳なく、心よりお詫び申し上げます。何卒ご理解いただきます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます— アニメD.Gray-man HALLOW (@dgrayman_anime) March 1, 2017
Source: Yaraon