Save Me! Lollipop
Save me! Lollipop is a series you can safely skip over. That seems mean, though, and I don't want to be mean to a series with a such a good message to teach us: Be Strong and protect the people you love! It's almost a …Read more »
Save me! Lollipop is a series you can safely skip over. That seems mean, though, and I don't want to be mean to a series with a such a good message to teach us: Be Strong and protect the people you love! It's almost a …Read more »
If this signals the end of FUNimation's "season one" of One Piece , then it's an awfully good place to arbitrarily cut things off. Fourth Voyage serves as a nice transitional collection, both wrapping up the crew's battle against Arlong and his fishmen, and powering …Read more »
February 2009 marked the 20th anniversary of the death of legendary storyteller Osamu Tezuka, who was known in Japan as the God of Manga and the Father of Anime, due to the fact that in each medium, he revolutionized the production process for efficiency and …Read more »
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned. In a world where supernatural monsters walk freely in human flesh, only the strongest and most violent individuals can survive. Even then, it often takes a warrior with their own supernatural powers to overcome these creatures. Enter …Read more »
Super Android 13 ( Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans ), the seventh theatrical Dragon Ball Z movie, pulls its curtains back to reveal one of my favorite moments: Android no. 17 knocking Dr. Gero's head clean off his body with the swiftness of …Read more »
Sometimes eviscerating monsters is the best way get over a rough day. I mean honestly, any grief that the school bully may have given you or any relationship issues you may have faced quickly pales in comparison to the twelve-foot tall lizard creature standing in …Read more »
I love shonen-style anime. The more big mechs, super-sized fireballs, humungous swords and crazy ninja antics an animation studio can fit into a show, the more I tend to let my brain go out the window and just let the mindless antics wash over me. …Read more »
Longtime anime fans have seen it all. Giant robots are a norm. Talking pandas make them yawn. Planet sized fireballs are a thing of the past. While I may not be the longest running anime fan in North America, I will admit that I've watched …Read more »
Diligent readers that have already breezed through the latest issue of Otaku USA (it's the one with those tough guys you may have heard of on the cover) are probably as well versed on the story of Dragon Ball GT as anyone at this point. …Read more »
Confession time: I used to be a non-believer in the power of Case Closed or, as it's known in Japan, Detective Conan . I got my first glimpse of Gosho Aoyama's manga many years ago, and the character designs turned me off from page one. …Read more »
From the very opening episode of Manglobe's Ergo Proxy , I knew I had stumbled upon an anime that was incredibly special. Set in a future that doesn't seem too far-flung from our own, Ergo Proxy begins in the domed city of Romdo, a place …Read more »
Coyote Ragtime Show goes out of its way to make a bizarre first impression on the viewer. Aside from purposely obscuring who the real protagonist of the show is in episode one, it really pulls out all the stops that should send off warning flares …Read more »
For many consumers of modern media, there's nothing quite as appealing as the combination of the hyper-technological with the antiquated equipment of the past. Post-apocalyptic worlds combine the mystery of the new with the blurred vision of the old, resulting in a miasmic mixture that …Read more »
There aren't many fighting series more unapologetically about fighting than Yu Yu Hakusho . Throwing Hajime no Ippo and Baki into the mix is arguable, but those are about "real" fights; you want larger than life monsters and spirit blasts and stadiums that put even …Read more »