There are manga that last a long time, and there are manga that last a long time. While series like Dragon Ball and Naruto went on for over a decade, their creators eventually brought them in for a landing.
On the other hand, there are series that look like they’re just never going to end. Ranking site Goo asked its readers to list the manga they’d like to see finish, but are worried never actually will, and the results looked a little something like this.
Year in parentheses represents the year serialization began.
18. Kingdom (2006)
17. Vagabond (1998)
15 (tie). Akagi (1992)
15 (tie). Kachō Kōsaku Shima (1983)
14. Big Windup! (2003)
13. Hajime no Ippo (1989)
12. Five Star Stories (1986)
11. Golgo 13 (1968)
10. Bastard!! (1988)
9. Yūkan Club (1986)
8. Berserk (1989)
7. X (1992)
6. Crest of the Royal Family (1976)
5. Nana (2000)
4. Glass Mask (1976)
3. Hunter x Hunter (1998)

2. One Piece (1997)

1. Detective Conan (1994)

Some notes:
Golgo 13, which began serialization in 1968, is currently the oldest manga still in publication. What would Duke Togo say?

Oh, right.
Yūkan Club ended in 2002, but on such an ambiguous note, apparently, that fans are still clamoring for a proper ending.
The CLAMP manga X, sometimes known as X/1999, went on hiatus in 2003, and considering how many series CLAMP has done since then, it would appear they’ve pretty much lost interest. On the other hand, considering they’re revisiting the 20-year-old Cardcaptor Sakura this year, there is always hope.
Nana has been on hiatus since 2009 due author Ai Yazawa’s health issues.
Hunter x Hunter’s Yoshihiro Togashi is famous for his long breaks, though it’s been reported a few volume will go on sale in Japan this June.
Detective Conan… will basically just never end. Yeah.
Source: Goo