Detective Conan spinoff anime Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa made its debut in Japan on October 4, and now its global plans have been cemented. The series is officially set to premiere on Netflix around the world (outside of Japan) on February 1, 2023.
名探偵コナン#犯人の犯沢さん#Netflix にて2023年2月1日より全世界配信開始!
\全世界デモ オ楽シミニ!/#犯沢さん#ネトフリアニメ
— 名探偵コナン 犯人の犯沢さん【公式】 (@hanzawasan_file) December 20, 2022
The main staff consists of director Akitaro Daichi (Kodomo no Omocha), character designer Fu Chisaka, art director Mayumi Nakajima (Studio CoColo), sound directors Yasuyuki Uragami and Keiko Uragami and more, all at anime production house TMS/1st Studio.
Mayuko Kanba’s Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa manga has been running in Shogakukan’s Shonen Sunday S magazine since May 2017 and has been collected in six volumes so far. The story follows the daily life of Hanzawa-san the Culprit, AKA the silhouette of an unidentified criminal as depicted in the Conan series.
Source: Official Twitter