The Tokyo Revengers anime adaptation officially made a continuation announcement over the weekend. The official Twitter account revealed plans to adapt the manga’s Christmas Showdown arc, with the cast and staff set to return for the next brawl.
Check out the announcement teaser:
[📢Anime #TokyoRevengers]
The new arc,“CHRISTMAS SHOWDOWN” is confirmed to be produced🔥🔥
Ticket for The Special Event VOD
The event also announced plans for a Tokyo Revengers mobile game, so stay tuned for more on that.
Here’s how Crunchyroll describes the Tokyo Revengers anime, which is based on the manga by Ken Wakui:
Takemichi Hanagaki is a freelancer that’s reached the absolute pits of despair in his life. He finds out that the only girlfriend he ever had in his life that he dated in middle school, Hinata Tachibana, had been killed by the ruthless Tokyo Manji Gang. The day after hearing about her death, he’s standing on the station platform and ends up being pushed over onto the tracks by a herd of people. He closes his eyes thinking he’s about to die, but when he opens his eyes back up, he somehow had gone back in time 12 years. Now that he’s back living the best days of his life, Takemichi decides to get revenge on his life by saving his girlfriend and changing himself that he’d been running away from.