With JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind complete, the future of the anime adaptations is momentarily unclear. One aspect that will continue, however, is the occasional appearance of OVA episodes based on the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan one-shots. Two more episodes were recently announced, with screenings to kick off in Tokyo on December 8, followed by screenings in Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Sendai, and Omiya.
Rohan voice actor Takahiro Sakurai will be in attendance at the screenings, advance ticket sales for which go live on October 2. The episodes in question will adapt chapters 16 (“At a Confessional”) and 10 (“The Run”), so stay tuned for more info.
また新作OVAと共に東京、名古屋、大阪、広島、仙台、大宮の地を巡る全国六都市上映ツアー”奇譚見聞録”の開催が決定!!全公演に岸辺露伴役の櫻井孝宏登壇!!#jojo_anime pic.twitter.com/mREzWNqJZn— TVアニメ『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@anime_jojo) August 18, 2019
Via Crunchyroll