Otaku USA Magazine
Animal Theratopia Project Combines Animals, Hot Dudes and Music

Toei Animation and music production company Mages are teaming up for a new project called Animal Theratopia.

Animal Theratopia is described as a new, “soothing” project aimed at women that combines “animals, hot dudes and music.”

The description continues, “a pleasurable drama for you, tired from your daily life, featuring characters who are animals in the day and transform into humans in the evening.”


The project will start with a series of five CDs featuring songs and drama tracks, plus a radio program. If those do well, we can probably look forward to manga, anime and all that good media mix stuff.

Here are images of the characters as their human and animal forms.

Animal Theratopia Project Combines Animals, Hot Dudes and Music

And here’s what the staff for this madness looks like:

Original character designs: Nakahara
Human character designs: Mai Matsuura
Animal character designs: Akiko Takamichi
Scenario: Mitsutaka Hirota

Source: Comic Natalie

Matt Schley

Matt Schley (rhymes with "guy") lives in Tokyo, and has been OUSA's "man in Japan" since 2012. He's also written about anime and Japanese film for the Japan Times, Screen Daily and more.
