Sensei!, the manga written by My Love Story!! creator Kazune Kawahara, is getting a live-action adaptation, reports ANN.
The film will be penned by none other than Mari “we have no idea where she finds the time to write all this stuff” Okada.
Sensei!, which will be released in fall 2017, stars Toma Ikuta (We Were There, Akihabara @ DEEP), as titular high school teacher Kosaku Ito and the student who falls in love with him, Hibiki Shimada, played by Suzu Hirose (Chihayafuru).
The film will be directed by Takahiro Miki (Blue Spring Ride, Aozora Yell) and, as ANN points out, will be Mari Okada’s second live-action film, following the upcoming Girls in the Dark.
Kawahara’s My Love Story!! was adapted into a live-action film in 2015, and a live-action film of her Aozora Yell (also directed by Miki) was released August 20.
Source: ANN