Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!, is back with a new manga.
The manga, called The Comiq, debuted in this week’s edition of Shonen Jump. The suspense manga, which is set to have a short run in the magazine, is about a young manga author named Genko. Genko, who has struggled to debut as a manga author for a long time, finally gets a serialized manga in a shoujo magazine—but the manga, called Beloved Pendant, creates some unintended consequences.
Last week at New York Comic Con, Viz Media announced they will carry The Comiq in the English-language version of Shonen Jump.
Kazuki Takahashi’s Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, which led to anime adaptations, games and more, ran in Jump from 1996 to 2004.
Source: Comic Natalie